
from sm import short_intro

“Hey |ʘ‿ʘ)╯, I am Srijit Mukherjee. I am a doctoral student in the Electrical Engineering Department at the Pennsylvania State University. I am currently working on brain images to build cost-effective explainable intelligent algorithms to detect a specific kind of infection inside the brain. This newsletter aims to share my knowledge in deep learning with rigorous math and code, and help learners build their skills.

from sm import long_intro

I enjoy solving problems using deep learning and understanding what’s happening inside. Naturally, this demands skills in problem-solving, mathematics, probability, statistics, classical machine learning, computation, and deep learning. This allows me to share my learning curve with you. 

Life gave me four opportunities to build my skills fundamentally. 

School Days and Mathematics Olympiad - My school days at South Point High School, Kolkata, India helped me develop my knack for problem-solving and mathematics, which grew manifold when I cleared the Regional Mathematics Olympiad and missed the National Mathematics Olympiad by 1 problem.

Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) - My undergraduate and graduate studies at the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India helped me to develop my skills in mathematics, probability, statistics, classical machine learning, and computation in R programming language.

Cheenta Academy, and Entrepreneurship - During my college days, I was active in building a part of a successful edu-tech company Cheenta Academy, where I developed my teaching, communication, and team-building skills. This was the best learning experience of my life.

Pennsylvania State University - Since Fall, 2022, I have been a doctoral student at the Electrical Engineering Department of the Pennsylvania State University under the supervision of Dr. Vishal Monga, and Dr. Steven Schiff. I am learning the major components of computation, and programming for deep learning during my Ph.D., given my humble strong roots in understanding the mathematical and statistical aspects of the same.

Long-Term Vision - My long-term vision is to engage myself in building a sustainable, reasonable, and interpretable artificial intelligence ecosystem with a sensible marriage of academic research and industrial problem-solving. This long-term vision has primarily guided the intention behind my content creation.

The following people have deeply impacted my learning journey: Srinivas Ramanujan, Richard Feynman, Amar G Bose, Andrej Karpathy, and upcoming few more.

I want to share with you these five unique clips - one from the film Oxford Murders about truth and mathematics, one about problem-solving from Amar G Bose (first 10 minutes) referring to his colleague Lan Jen Chu at MIT, a letter as part of a chain of communication that started between Richard Feynman with a former student, Koichi Mano, who had written to extend his congratulations, a story of perspectives again from Amar G Bose, which always helped me again and again, and a beautiful clip about life from the film The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, which reminds me of the simplicity and beauty of life, and the small little things.

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I teach and implement deep learning concepts and research.


Deep Learning Researcher at Penn State.